Looking for concrete crushing services near you?

Looking for concrete crushing services near you?

Are you planning the different stages of your demolition project and wondering ‘where can I find reliable concrete crushing near me?’ If so, here’s a guide to what’s involved in the process.

Putting Safety First

When it comes to all aspects of demolition, the term reliable shouldn’t only mean that the demolition itself is carried out. You’ll want to know that all environmental and health and safety guidelines are complied with and the correct codes of practices are followed, without fail.

In the field of demolition, the safety of the workforce and nearby members of the public is paramount – and this applies to concrete crushing, as with all stages of demolition.

If you’re unsure about what needs to be done, we can help and advise you on the health and safety side of demolition projects and source any subsequent equipment that’s required, such as fencing, hoarding or scaffolding.

Environmentally Friendly Concrete Crushing

Concrete crushing has been used for many years as a method of making use of the rubble left over from demolition or renovation work, allowing it to be recycled and reused, instead of being disposed of into landfill sites.

As part of the wider Rabbit Waste Management, at Rabbit Demolition, we are committed to making the most of every opportunity to recycle and it’s this commitment to the environment which makes us the trusted choice for anyone looking for local concrete crushing services.

The material produced from the concrete crushing process can be used for road sub-base and capping layers, paving sub-base layers or in some cases structural backfill and temporary site works, such as haul roads.

Not only can these building materials be used again, instead of being disposed of to landfill, but concrete crushing on site allows for a reduction in carbon emissions because of the reduced transportation required – and with that comes cost savings, too.

Onsite Concrete Crushing Services

Depending on the size of the demolition project, the work can be done onsite using a mobile concrete crushing plant which is brought in specifically for the job, or the rubble can be taken elsewhere for crushing.

Not every demolition project is suitable for concrete crushing, however. This is why our team will discuss your project thoroughly, to check that all necessary assessments have been made and consider whether it’s more economical to have the job done onsite, have the concrete taken away, or whether it’s simply not a viable option at all.

A concrete crusher comes in several different sizes, but even the smaller ones are, by their very nature, extremely powerful and very large, so a site which might be unsuitable for onsite concrete crushing, could be a domestic dwelling, for example, because of the limitations on space.

The Concrete Crushing Process

The concrete crushing process itself begins with an assessment of the type of concrete crushing hire required and whether it is a suitable method of waste removal. It’s also important for us to ensure relevant risk assessments have taken place to check for the presence of asbestos, for example.

If disturbed and allowed to spread into the environment, asbestos can be incredibly damaging to health, therefore it’s vital to be sure that it’s not present.

After these assessments have been carried out, uncontaminated concrete aggregate can then be put through a portable crushing machine, which reduces the cost of transporting it to a quarry.

Concrete Crushing Services Costs

When you use Rabbit Waste Management as your demolition contractor for a construction project, and you need concrete crushing services as part of your demolition and site clearing plans, get in touch with a member of our team of demolition site clearance experts.

Contact the team today for an obligation-free quote tailored to the scope of your requirements.